I have found that if you remove the pollution of visual bombardment, you get a better overall feeling.
A sense of relief, serenity and just a plain calmness.
Every floor in this house is wood or concrete. To finish the floors will cost a fortune, simply because of the size of this house. This floor below, in the dining room would cost from $500 to $1000 for something traffic proof. A vinyl wood-look plank flooring is over $600 just for this room. This is one of 5 rooms this size and bigger, on just this floor. $5000 is not in the budget just for flooring on one level, soooooo I did some pintresting and found people painting plywood floors all over the place.
This is the dining room before it was totally painted. Not a very good picture but you get the idea of the visual pollution with all the spots and lines, and knots in the wood.
See how much cleaner it looks? I spent $30 on a gallon of paint.
The lines you see are paint lines and completely disappear when the paint is dry.
In the last picture you can see the entrance to the hall way from the dining room.
This is the hallway floor. It really shows the distraction of spots, lines, wood grain, and gaps.
Here it is painted.
I went over the floor with a scraper, and a damp towel to prep. It is, after all, just plywood and not permanent so I didn't want to spend to much energy and time prepping the floors.
The clean white stairs with the dark floor and darker hand rail just pop for me. It makes it cleaner looking while it is on the market.
Check out my Stairs of the Shortline blog here Stairs of the Shortline on how I painted the stairs, and why.