These stairs look like a tornado hit them, and a gaggle of Canadian Geese landed for a 15 year vacation.
Best thing going for 'em is how solid they are. Hit this house with a 3 ton dump truck and I bet the stairs are still standing.
They have been painted at least 7 times. Had 3 different types of carpet glued, and stapled down the center, and the fancy banister spoke things are missing.
Remember this floor for a later post. ;)
After scraping, staple pulling, tape removing, and a weee bit of sanding, I began painting. Could. Not. Wait. Longer.
I began with the side facing into the hallway.
It was a mother. A mother like me. A bitch.
Then the risers for each stair, and the treads of every other stair.
Yes. Skip a stair.
Gotta be able to get to bed that night, right?
The side that was a mother, like me.
Missing banister spoke thingies. I wanted to cover them some how. Fancy trim, a painted metal lid, fancy wood medallion.
Something cheap and easy, as I'd need 32 of 'em.
Alas, that did not happen. Painted holes is what it is.
Right to the finished picture!
You get the idea of painting the other stairs the next day when you can walk on the painted ones, right? Yes? I thought you would.. ;)
Nice job!!! ;)